Coffee Cartography: Gwilym's pod cast with Simel Coffee

Gwilym has been working with a business coach over the last three months. Something a lot of people don't know about Gwilym, apart from the fact that he played first grade rugby for Leeds, is that he also has a bachelor's degree in business. Here we present a link to a pod cast Gwilym has put together with Melanie Boehme from Simel Coffee, talking about their endeavours to locate Prufrock's USP, identify threats and weakness and to get all together Socratic about what we do and where we're going. Their discussion gives you some historical perspective, taking you back to 2009 and the foundation of Prufrock and looks at where Gwilym, Klaus and I first met at Borough market in 2002 and observes the shifts in the emerging speciality coffee scene over the last decade. As Gwilym said, 'when we started, there was no competition' and now, as he celebrates the established scene, his work with Melanie has made it very clear that this has gone beyond a lifestyle business, and it must map a course for the future. So we give great thanks to Melanie for her role as cartographer, business mentor and friend.Check out the pod cast hereP.S. If you are feeling enthused on the subject of the role of the cafe, it's future as an institution, you're also into icecream, kimchi and chocolate, come to our Micro Symposium on Monday the 11th. 5 speakers curated by Merry Corky White (the author of Coffee Life in Japan) come to Prufrock for an evening of fast paced 20-25 min talks. Book online here. 


The Tale of the Eight Calibrated Shakes

